CSS interface


More abstract and subtle, less figurative than 'phase', growing here is a small set of generative interface-pieces correlating phenomena: of the moon and on the screen, mediated by terms of 'Cascading Style Sheets' (CSS).

Continuous, periodic change this way is to be introduced into common (X)HTML-documents by authors; which is a somehow - literally - subversive ('under-turning') way. Revolutionary stuff !

Application is simply done be including a generative CSS-link into the document's header.


The most simple, near at hand interface-piece, but very effective and flexible to use; it's mapping : the moon's current grade of illumination ('phase') - as to be seen from the earth, potentially - to CSS color-attributes (like 'color', 'background-color' or other).

Periodic time is the moon's month ('lunation'), according to the kinetics of the system earth-moon-sun, little disturbed by the influence of planets. Colors will continuously change between new and full moon each lunar period, lasting from one new moon to the next.


This piece is mapping the moon's phase - as described above - to geometric attributes (like 'width', 'size', 'top', 'left' or other), changig their values within predefinable ranges.

